Enzymedica Candidase 42s
Lifestyle and environmental factors can have a big impact on the body’s ability to preserve ideal levels of intestinal flora. Maintaining healthy gut flora is crucial to overall health, as it renews the body’s energy and keeps the immune and digestive systems functioning optimally.
When intestinal flora are balanced, yeast levels are kept in check and occasional discomforts such as digestion issues, sugar cravings, irritability, fatigue and poor memory can be avoided.
Candidase™ contains two enzyme blends that support the body’s natural ability to maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora.* Cellulase breaks down the yeast cell wall while protease digests the interior proteins. This combination provides a gentle, cleansing effect without harsh discomfort common to cleansing.*
Candidase contains Thera-blend™ enzymes. Thera-blend is an exclusive process that combines multiple strains of enzymes that work in specific pH levels, resulting in superior performance in the body.*
Recommended Use:
For moderate symptoms: 2 capsules on an empty stomach, one hour before or two hours after a meal three times daily for 7 days.
For acute symptoms: 2 capsules on an empty stomach, one hour before or two hours after a meal three times daily for 14 days. For more advanced support, Enzymedica’s Candidase Extra Strength may be helpful.
For maintenance: 2 capsules daily.
For best results, 1 capsule of Enzymedica’s Enzyme Defense™ may be added each time Candidase is taken.
Thera-blend™ is an exclusive process that combines multiple strains of enzymes that work in various pH levels. Thera-blend enzymes have been shown to be three times stronger and work more than six times faster than leading digestive supplements.
Enzymedica does not use ingredients produced using biotechnology.
Candidase should not be taken with any timed-release medication that uses cellulose as its time-release mechanism.
Our Story
Enzymedica is a Florida company that was founded in 1998 with the purpose of offering our customers the highest-potency enzyme products possible. Today, as one of the leaders in the industry, we still strive for no less.
We believe knowledge has the power to change lives. Our goal of educating people about the importance of enzymes in overall health is what motivates Enzymedica every day.
All of our products are made from only the highest quality enzymes and contain absolutely no fillers to ensure purity. Every product is 100% vegetarian, and we seek out vegan and Kosher ingredients whenever possible. Each product is specifically formulated to provide targeted support for common digestive discomforts, food intolerances, cardiovascular health, proper immune function or healthy inflammatory responses.
Enzymedica’s Quality Pledge
We respect consumers’ desire to make healthy dietary choices. Enzymedica routinely tests our products for gluten and other ingredients in accordance with cGMP guidelines.