SurfEars 2.0 Earplugs

SurfEars 2.0® is a revolutionary new product developed by a team of professional product designers and dedicated surfers from Sweden. SurfEars recognised that the critical difference between SurfEars and other earplug products is they not only protect ears from water, cold air, and contaminants but also maximise sound and subsequent balance essential for most water and board sports. Many of the earplugs on the market today block out sound, therefore large numbers of surfers choose to go without plugs. SurfEars was designed to keep the water out but also let the sound in, to enable users to stay connected to the environment.
SurfEars 2.0 is an update on SurfEars 1.0 and includes many improvements on the original version. Improvements / changes include;
+ ADDITION OF LEASH - An optional silicon leash is now attached to the plugs meaning there should be no excuses for losing plugs. Leash can be removed if customer prefers to surf without leash. Instructions on how to use leash included in the package.
+ IMPROVED ACOUSTICS - Enlarged sound canal area means better hearing.
+ HYDROPHOBIC COATING - Improved hydrophobic coating on mesh.
+ BETTER FIT - New shape secures plugs inside the ear more securely. More contact points inside the ear.
+ IMPROVED WATER SEAL - Improved ear gel (ear bud) design provides a better fit for most users.
+ The small gel is now smaller and the large gel is now larger fitting a greater range of ear sizes.
+ Gel is now shorter providing a better fit for surfers with advanced ear canal closure.
+ The outer ring on the gel is enlarged to provide an improved seal
+ New “red” colour highlights
+ New look sealed plastic packaging
We recommend that you use SurfEars® with the installed leash to minimize risk of losing them. Before using your product for the first time, please read the user instructions and try all different sizes of buds and wings to ensure a proper fit.
For detailed instruction visit:
The idea behind SurfEars® was born in 2011 when one of the inventors (experienced surfer with fully developed surfer’s ear) caught a serious ear infection during a surf trip to Morocco. Totally deaf on one ear for nearly a week and forced to stay out of the water, the infection was a real pain to get rid of. It wasn’t the first time and surely not the last.
Having tried nearly all ear plugs on the market we always came to the same conclusion: wearing earplugs sucked. Not being able to hear your environment took away a big part of the experience on water, made it hard to hear and speak to other surfers and affected your balance in a negative way. Adding to that, most ear plugs had a bad fit, often resulting in poor comfort and water leaking into your ear.
Tired of having to cope with lousy ear plugs, we decided it was time to come up with a better product ourselves. We needed the product to protect our ears without affecting important senses like hearing or balance, since they are crucial for surfers and other water athletes. We wanted a product that allowed you to hear what’s going on around you, embracing the full experience of surfing. A product that made it possible to hold a normal conversation with fellow surfers, and a product that was so comfortable to use that you could keep it in your ears for hours without even thinking about it.
Kicking off the project in 2011, we’ve spent over 8000 hours to get to where we are today. They say it takes 10 000 hours to really understand what you’re doing, so I guess we’re getting close to being pretty good at designing ear plugs.
Looking back at the success of our first product, and with the improvements made with our recently launched SurfEars® 2.0, we think the result is quite amazing.
Most importantly, we’re proud to know that SurfEars® will eventually help many thousands of surfers and other water athletes get a better experience on the water while staying away from the ear doctor.
We’re a team of professional product designers, engineers and dedicated surfers with more than 20 years on the water. Our team has extensive experience from designing, developing and manufacturing high tech consumer electronics and sports equipment.
Combine that with a great passion for water sports and countless hours on the water and you have a recipe for success!